
Get the Goods

Latest Release: (July 21, 2024)

Change Log Known Issues

NOTE: The last version of which runs on Windows 7 SP1 is Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter that version number if you are installing on Windows 7 SP1. This is due to a change in the way Microsoft ClearScript's bindings for the Chrome V8 engine and associated DLLs are being handled.


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Resources requires a minimum Windows version of 7 SP1 (Service Pack 1) and .NET Framework 4.8.

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Installer Version

This will install to Program Files, is signed so it will start with Windows and be able to interact with elevated apps (e.g. Task Manager) by adding the UIAccess="true" flag (but requires signed to not run as admin). The installer will not overwrite your settings file, nor will it remove it upon uninstall.

Download Installer

Portable Version

IMPORTANT: Extract with 7-Zip or another program that does not set Zone.Identifier or you will get an error during "Initializing Script Engine..." stating "Operation is not supported". Alternatively, you can go through each DLL file, right-click, select Properties and click the Unblock button or check box. Windows is essentially marking these DLLs as untrusted, so while will start, the DLLs are not able to be loaded.

NOTE: This will not be able to interact with elevated windows (e.g. Task Manager) unless you run as administrator. You can use the settingsfile="C:\Path\SettingsFile.ext" command line parameter to specify a custom location for your settings (make sure to move your file there first, or you will get the default settings)

Download Portable

Specific Version

Enter the version number you would like to download, then click the appropriate button. View the Change Log to see the full list of versions.

VC RUNTIME: Versions prior to require installing the MS VC 2019 runtime (14.27 or greater). Installer versions will perform this automatically.

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