Method: AllApplications() Returns: SystemWindow[] Gets an array of windows where the windows meet the general criteria to be considered a main application window. Method: AllWindows() Returns: SystemWindow[] Gets an array of all windows Method: ChangeCulture(String cultureName) Returns: Boolean Changes the current culture to the specific value (e.g. "en-US", "fr-FR", "pl-PL"). This is primarily used for changing langauges in the Resources folder. Method: ConsumePhysicalInput(System.Boolean bVal) Returns: Void Prevent all keyboard and mouse activity. Accepts true or false. Method: CreateTimer(System.String name, System.Int32 startdelay, System.Int32 interval, System.String script) Returns: Timer Creates a new timer which starts after startdelay (in milliseconds) and repeats every interval (in milliseconds), executing the script passed in Method: DeleteStoredBool(System.String name) Returns: Void Deletes the stored value from memory Method: DeleteStoredHandle(System.String name) Returns: Void Deletes the stored value from memory Method: DeleteStoredHistoryScript(System.String name) Returns: Void Deletes the stored value from memory Method: DeleteStoredNumber(System.String name) Returns: Void Deletes the stored value from memory Method: DeleteStoredPoint(System.String name) Returns: Void Deletes the stored value from memory Method: DeleteStoredRectangle(System.String name) Returns: Void Deletes the stored value from memory Method: DeleteStoredString(System.String name) Returns: Void Deletes the stored value from memory Method: DeleteTimer(System.String name) Returns: Void Deletes (stops and removes) a previously created timer Method: DesktopWindow() Returns: SystemWindow Gets the desktop window. Method: DesktopWindowListView() Returns: SystemWindow Gets the actual desktop window which contains your icons (unless desktop composition is's complicated!) Method: Disable() Returns: Void Disable Method: DisableCapture() Returns: Void remains hooked to the mouse and keyboard, but ignores capturing. Method: DisableNext() Returns: Void Ignore the next gesture/stroke button down. Method: DisplayText( info) Returns: Void Shows a floating window with text. See Example Scripts for more details. Method: DisplayTextClose() Returns: Void Manually close the window from DisplayText. Method: DisplayTextUpdate( info) Returns: Void Updates the text and location of the currently displayed popup created by DisplayText. Also restarts the timeout each time this function is called. Method: EmptyRecycleBins() Returns: Void Empty all recycle bins. Method: Enable() Returns: Void Enable Method: EnableCapture() Returns: Void Enable capture (after previous call to DisableCapture()). Method: ExecutePreviousScript(System.Int32 index) Returns: Void Method: ExecuteStoredScript(System.String name) Returns: Void Executes a previously stored script by name Method: Exit() Returns: Void Exit Method: ExpandEnvironmentVariables(System.String value) Returns: String Expands environment variables into their actual values. For example, "%%windir%%\explorer.exe" becomes "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" Method: ForegroundWindow() Returns: SystemWindow Gets the foreground window. Method: GetCommunicationsMixer() Returns: CoreAudioDevice Gets the mixer object for the default communications device. Method: GetCurrentCulture() Returns: String Get the current UI culture, for example "en-US" for US English (can be used in conjunction with ChangeCulture) Method: GetCurrentMouseCursor() Returns: String Gets the name of the current mouse cursor. As with all cursor functions, there are no guarantees about the result if the user or an application is not using the standard cursor set. The default return value is "Unknown" when a cursor handle doesn't match one of the known cursor types retrievable by the .NET framework's Windows.Forms class described here: or after trying via the Windows OEM cursor set described here: Note that the return string will always be a .NET cursor name, "Hand" not "OCR_HAND" for example. Also, OCR_NORMAL is returned as "Arrow", the corresponding .NET cursor name; the rest of the names in the OEM cursor set have obvious correlations to their respective .NET equivalent. Method: GetCurrentMousePoint() Returns: Point Get the coordinates of the current location of the mouse. Method: GetFileProductVersionInfo(System.String filePath) Returns: String Gets the string representation of the product version of a file. Method: GetFileVersionInfo(System.String filePath) Returns: String Gets the string representation of the version of a file. Method: GetHistoryScript(System.Int32 index) Returns: HistoryScript Returns a HistoryScript from memory (0 - 4) Method: GetMethods() Returns: MethodInfo[] Gets a MethodInfo array containing all of the methods in the sp class (this was used to create this file you're reading). Method: GetPixelColorFromPoint(System.Drawing.Point pt) Returns: Color Gets the System.Drawing.Color at the specified coordinates (in Point form). Method: GetPlaybackMixer() Returns: CoreAudioDevice Gets the mixer object for the default playback device. Method: GetPoint(System.Int32 x, System.Int32 y) Returns: Point Resturns a point from the specific coordinates Method: GetRegionFromPoint(System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle, System.Drawing.Point point, System.Int32 columns, System.Int32 rows) Returns: RectRegion Gets a RectRegion (which has .Column and .Row properties) for a point (X,Y) within the specified rectangle. columns and rows define how the rectangle is divided. Method: GetRegions(Rectangle rect, int columns, int rows) Returns RectRegion[] Gets an array of RectRegion (which each have .Column and .Row properties) for the specified rectangle and columns/rows. columns and rows define how the rectangle is divided. Method: GetSelectedFilesInExplorer(System.IntPtr hWnd) Returns: String[] Gets a string array of the files selected in the Explorer window represented by hWnd. Method: GetStoredBool(System.String name) Returns: Boolean Gets the value of the specified name which was previous stored. Method: GetStoredHandle(System.String name) Returns: IntPtr Gets the value of the specified name which was previous stored. Method: GetStoredNumber(System.String name) Returns: Int32 Gets the value of the specified name which was previous stored. Method: GetStoredPoint(System.String name) Returns: Point Gets the value of the specified name which was previous stored. Method: GetStoredRectangle(System.String name) Returns: Rectangle Gets the value of the specified name which was previous stored. Method: GetStoredString(System.String name) Returns: String Gets the value of the specified name which was previous stored. Method: GetSystemMetricsByIndex(System.Int32 index) Returns: Int32 Gets the value of the specified system metric (see MSDN documentation for GetSystemMetrics). Method: GetTimer(string name) Returns: System.Threading.Timer Gets a previously created timer as a .NET object of type System.Threading.Timer Method: GetTimerScript(string name) Returns: System.string Gets the script for a previously created timer Method: HideMouseCursor() Returns: Void Hides the mouse cursor (not support feature due to inconsistency of possible cursors per user). Method: InputBox( info) Returns: String Displays a window for the user to select something. See Example Scripts for more information. Property: KeyboardCaptureEnabled Type: Boolean If false, instructs to not intercept, interfere, or react to any keyboard events (excludes hotkeys since those are handled by Windows). This is not a saved setting. Method: LastActiveWindow() Returns: SystemWindow Same as ALT+TAB Method: LastApplication() Returns: Void Same as ALT+TAB Method: LastFocusControl() Returns: SystemWindow Returns the last control which had focus Method: LockWorkStation() Returns: Boolean Same as WIN+L, lock Windows. Method: MessageBox(System.Object message, System.Object title) Returns: Void Shows a simple message box popup with a message and title. Method: MouseClick(System.Drawing.Point pt, System.String btn, System.Boolean down, System.Boolean up) Returns: Void Clicks the mouse at the specified point, btn types: Left, Right, Middle, XButton1, XButton2. Pass true or false for the down and up parameters; both as true for a full click. Method: MouseClick(System.Drawing.Point pt, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons btn, System.Boolean down, System.Boolean up) Returns: Void Clicks the specified MouseButton at the specified point. Pass true or false for the down and up parameters; both as true for a full click. Method: MouseMove(System.Drawing.Point pt) Returns: Void Move the mouse to the specified point. Method: MouseRestrictActive() Returns: Boolean Determines in a mouse restriction is currently active (from a previous call to MouseRestrictToRectangle) Method: MouseRestrictClear() Returns: Void Clears the mouse restriction Method: MouseRestrictToRectangle(System.Drawing.Rectangle rect) Returns: Void Confines the mouse cursor inside the specified rectangle, rect must exist somewhere on the screen(s) and be at least 50px wide and 50px high) Method: MouseWheel(System.Drawing.Point pt, System.Boolean horizontal, System.Object delta) Returns: Void Send the mouse wheel event at the specified point. Pass true for horizontal to simulate horizontal wheel scroll. delta should be 120 or -120, for indicating the direction of the scroll. Method: NextApplication() Returns: Void Activate the next window in the stack of open windows. Method: OpenSettings() Returns: Void Open the Settings window. Method: PlaySound(System.String filePath) Returns: Void Play the specified .WAV file. Method: RegistryDelete(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey baseKey, System.String keyName, System.String keyValue, System.Boolean showErrors) Returns: Boolean (more help to follow...) Method: RegistryDeleteSubKey(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey baseKey, System.String keyName, System.Boolean showErrors) Returns: Boolean (more help to follow...) Method: RegistryReadMultiString(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey baseKey, System.String keyName, System.String keyValue, System.Boolean showErrors) Returns: String[] (more help to follow...) Method: RegistryReadNumber(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey baseKey, System.String keyName, System.String keyValue, System.Boolean showErrors) Returns: Int32 (more help to follow...) Method: RegistryReadString(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey baseKey, System.String keyName, System.String keyValue, System.Boolean showErrors) Returns: String (more help to follow...) Method: RegistryWrite(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey baseKey, System.String keyName, System.String keyValue, System.Object value, System.String kind, System.Boolean showErrors) Returns: Boolean (more help to follow...) Method: RelayGesture(System.Drawing.Point[] points, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons button) Returns: Void Relay the gesture by array of points and mouse button. Method: Reload() Returns: Void Reload Method: ReloadScriptEnginePool() Returns: Void Reload the script engines. Method: RunProgram(System.String fileName, System.String arguments, System.String verb, System.String style, System.Boolean useShellExecute, System.Boolean noWindow, System.Boolean waitForExit) Returns: Int32 (more help to follow...) Method: SendAltDown() Returns: Void Send the ALT key down event. Method: SendAltUp() Returns: Void Send the ALT key up event. Method: SendCharacter(System.String ch) Returns: Void Send a single character keystroke. Method: SendControlDown() Returns: Void Send the CTRL key down event. Method: SendControlUp() Returns: Void Send the CTRL key up event. Method: SendKeyDown(System.String ch) Returns: Void Send the key down event for the specified character. Method: SendKeys(System.String str) Returns: Void Send a string of keys, see MSDN documentation for SendKeys. Method: SendKeyUp(System.String ch) Returns: Void Send the key up event for the specified character. Method: SendModifiedVKeys(System.Object Modifiers, System.Object Keys) Returns: Void Method: SendShiftDown() Returns: Void Send the SHIFT key down event. Method: SendShiftUp() Returns: Void Send the SHIFT key up event. Method: SendString(System.String str) Returns: Void Send a string of characters to the foreground window. Method: SendUnicodeString(System.String str) Returns: Void Send a Unicode string of characters to the foreground window (may not be needed...) Method: SendVKey(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode vk) Returns: Void Send the specified Virtual Key code to the foreground window. Method: SendVKeyDown(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode vk) Returns: Void Send the key down event for the specified Virtual Key code to the foreground window. Method: SendVKeyUp(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode vk) Returns: Void Send the key up event for the specified Virtual Key code to the foreground window. Method: SendWinDown() Returns: Void Send the WIN key down event. Method: SendWinUp() Returns: Void Send the WIN key up event. Method: ShowBalloonTip(System.String title, System.String text, System.String icon, System.Object timeout) Returns: Void Show a balloon popup window with the specified title and text. icon types: error, info, warning, timeout is how long to show. Method: ShowMouseCursor() Returns: Void Shows the mouse cursor (not support feature due to inconsistency of possible cursors per user). Method: ShowPopupMenu( info) Returns: Void Shows a popup menu for the user to make a selection (see Example Scripts for more information). Method: Sleep(System.Int32 milliseconds) Returns: Void Puts the script's thread to sleep for the specified milliseconds. Method: StopAllActions() Returns: Void Stop all running actions. Method: StopAllScripts() Returns: Void Stop all running scripts. Method: StoreBool(System.String name, System.Boolean value) Returns: Void Stores a value into memory associated with the name specified. Method: StoreHandle(System.String name, System.IntPtr value) Returns: Void Stores a value into memory associated with the name specified. Method: StoreHistoryScript(System.String name, value) Returns: Void Method: StoreNumber(System.String name, System.Int32 value) Returns: Void Stores a value into memory associated with the name specified. Method: StorePoint(System.String name, System.Drawing.Point value) Returns: Void Stores a value into memory associated with the name specified. Method: StoreRectangle(System.String name, System.Drawing.Rectangle value) Returns: Void Stores a value into memory associated with the name specified. Method: StoreString(System.String name, System.String value) Returns: Void Stores a value into memory associated with the name specified. Method: ToggleTrayIcon() Returns: Void Toggle the tray icon shown or hidden based on its current state. Method: TouchFloaterHide() Returns: Void Hides the touch floater Method: TouchFloaterIsShown() Returns: Boolean Returns true if the touch floater is currently loaded/shown, false if not Method: TouchFloaterShow() Returns: Void Shows the touch floater Method: TouchFloatersReset() Returns: Void Method: TouchFloaterToggle() Returns: Void Toggles the touch floater between shown and hidden, based on its current state Method: TouchFloaterToggleOthers() Returns: Void Toggles the visibility of the floaters which are not the S+ floater Method: WindowFromClassOrTitle(System.String className, System.String windowTitle) Returns: SystemWindow Gets a window based on the class and or title passed in. Method: WindowFromHandle(System.IntPtr hWnd) Returns: SystemWindow Gets the window for the specified handle (hWnd). Method: WindowFromPoint(System.Drawing.Point pt, System.Boolean topLevelOnly) Returns: SystemWindow Gets the window at the specified point, topLevelOnly returns the main window (not the control). Method: WindowsFromTitlePartial(System.String partialTitle) Returns: SystemWindow[] Gets an array of windows matching the partial title match. Method: WindowsFromTitleRegex(System.String regexTitle) Returns: SystemWindow[] Gets an array of windows matching the specified regular expression pattern.